A Think Tank for Culture, Leadership, Innovation, Connection, and Knowledge
Cultural Diversity
Increasing diversity of culture and identity with better understanding
Cognitive Diversity
Enhancing diversity of thought and mental agility for better performance
Innovation for 10x Results
Boosting creativity and innovation to experiment without fear of failure
Digital Transformation & Singularity
Humanizing technological transformations for a better future society
Social Mobility and Upskilling
Improving opportunities for social enhancement through education
Cultural Diversity
Increasing diversity of culture and identity with better understanding
Cognitive Diversity
Enhancing diversity of thought and mental agility for better performance
Innovation for 10x Results
Boosting creativity and innovation to experiment without fear of failure
Digital Transformation & Singularity
Humanizing technological transformations for a better future society
Social Mobility and Upskilling
Improving opportunities for social enhancement through education
Cultural Diversity
Increasing diversity of culture and identity with better understanding
Cognitive Diversity
Enhancing diversity of thought and mental agility for better performance
Innovation for 10x Results
Boosting creativity and innovation to experiment without fear of failure
Digital Transformation & Singularity
Humanizing technological transformations for a better future society
Social Mobility and Upskilling
Improving opportunities for social enhancement through education

CLICK Institute is a think tank and educational space for Culture, Leadership, Innovation, Connection, and Knowledge

A diverse and digital world

We live in a world that is interconnected, with blurred boundaries that challenge our thinking and open opportunities for cultural learning, complex realities, constant technological advances that stimulate our thinking and renovate our way of working. However, it is also a world where inequality, volatility and uncertainty block the possibility to climb the ladder of social mobility. Today, more than ever, our world needs interdependency and nestedness.

Our neighborhoods, schools, and workplaces are more culturally diverse than ever before. Our urban and suburban cities are experiencing a combination of melting pots and multicultural mosaics that add complexity to the way we live in community defying the way we interact. Understanding that cultural diversity is an asset can be challenging.

More and more, we see how our cultural identity influences our emotions, behaviors and performance. We need to feel accepted, to belong and feel valued. Collective improvement is easily jeopardized by a clash in the way we think and behave according to our cognitive styles and processes. as well as by the differences in the national and organizational cultural dimensions that influence our behaviors. Understanding the reasons some people think and act in a certain way and how we can prevent conflict is imperative. Improving how we interact with others to achieve individual and collective goals is an urgent demand. We believe that people can create more diverse, inclusive, and innovative organizations and communities when they are effectively educated and inspired. We also believe organizations and communities are more effective and inspirational when they are more diverse and inclusive.

Our Philosophy and Strategy


“Help people click to innovate and create better results for a better society”

We achieve this purpose contributing to a better quality of education, cultural and cognitive diversity, worldwide relations, working environments, innovation, leadership effectiveness, digital transformation, economic growth and justice, identity diversity and inclusion, gender equality, women empowerment, and human advancement.


“Be the space where people learn how to click  to innovate and create better results for a better society”

We stimulate intellectual dialogues and projects where academic, business, civic, government, and other influential leaders think and take action together to overcome cultural and cognitive barriers for innovation in our society.


“We create spaces, programs, and initiatives to help people click to innovate and create better results” 

We envision and execute research, learning, and development initiatives that increase awareness, advocacy, and actions about the impact of cultural and cognitive diversity in the leadership effectiveness and innovation of teams, organizations, and communities.”

Going beyond thinking... the impact of actions

Learning how we can understand the reasons some people think and act in a certain way and how we can prevent the natural conflicts produced when diverse people interact together is imperative. Knowing how to plan, execute, and improve the way we interact with others to achieve individual and collective goals is an urgent demand.

We believe that people can create more diverse, inclusive, and innovative organizations and communities when they are effectively educated and inspired.
CLICK Institute is founded as a think tank and learning space to make this possible.