A Think Tank for Culture, Leadership, Innovation, Connection, and Knowledge

Having as our north star the contribution to better quality of education, cultural and cognitive diversity, worldwide relations, working environments, innovation, leadership effectiveness, digital transformation, economic growth and justice, gender equality, women empowerment, and human advancement we are serious about developing diverse, divergent, digital leaders who serve their people to be better than they ever believed possible.

Seeking to become a space of intellectual dialogue where business, civic, academic, and government leaders and influencers think and take action together to overcome cultural and cognitive barriers in our society, CLICK Institute have chosen 5 Focus Areas that transversally cross our 13 Topics of Research:


The values, thoughts, behaviors, language, and artifacts that individuals from specific social groups, nationally and organizationally, learn from generation to generation or from leadership figures and peers to be successful in their lives.


The ability of a leader and a group of people to effectively interact with each other, using their knowledge, attitudes, and skills to perform specific tasks, solve problems, produce results, and accomplish established objectives.


The capacity to create ideas, disrupt the status quo, break traditional patterns to conceive new products/services and implement new processes to grow and progress.


The capacity to engage intellectually, emotionally, physically and existentially with others, going beyond effective communication to reach a high level of connection.


The amount of subject matter, experience, and expertise that are learned and developed by a person to use it solving problems and creating possibilities.