A Think Tank for Culture, Leadership, Innovation, Connection, and Knowledge

13 Topics for 13 Years

At CLICK Institute, we are committed to create awareness, exercise advocacy, and take action on a wide range of issues that have been identified by government, business, academic, and civic leaders as relevant and critical for a sustainable growth and development of our global society.

We have selected the topics of research, learning, and development using as references the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) and the Global Compact priorities. We have also used data from organizations such as STRADA Education Network, STRADA Institute for the Future of Work, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), World Chambers Federation (WFC), The Conference Board, Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM), Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development of the United Kingdom (CIPD), Inter-American Federation of Human Talent Management (FIDAGH), World Federation of Personnel Management Associations (WFPMA), Association for Talent Development (ATD), International Federation of Training and Development Organizations (IFTDO), Center for Talent Reporting (CTR),  Singularity University, Junior Chamber International (JCI), UNESCO, and the World Bank Institute.

Our initiative “Thirteen Topics for Thirteen Years” touches thirteen lines of research and action that will be part of our work in the coming years. These are those lines: (1) Cultural and Identity Diversity, (2) Cognitive Diversity, (3) Innovation), (4) Digital Transformation and Singularity, (5) Social Mobility and Upskilling, (6) Leadership Effectiveness, (7) Quality of Education, (8) Worldwide Relations, (9) Working Environments, (10) Economic Growth and Justice, (11) Gender Equality, (12) Women Empowerment, and (13) Human Advancement. We serve and work with federal, state, and local government units; small, mid-size, and large companies; colleges, universities, and business schools; chambers of commerce, professional associations, and other nonprofit and non-governmental organizations; whose leaders are truly committed with these topics.

3 Main Topics

1. Cultural, Identity, and Cognitive Diversity for Innovation

Innovation is determined, among other factors, by the way leaders inspire their team members to have the freedom to speak up, experiment without fear, and express their uniqueness. Diverse leaders know how to catalyze the intelectual, emotional, and behavioral energy of their people so they can be creative and transform their ideas into products and processes that improve or disrupt the market. Successful leaders of teams that innovate, are those who identify the cultural dimensions, identity elements, and cognitive styles or processes of the members of a team, and coordinate them in the best way possible so they can have creative and effective dialogues that generate better results. At CLICK Institute we conduct literature reviews, empirical research, and practical studies to find ways to help leaders, teams, organizations, and communities to be more innovative and generate better results for a better global society.     

2. Humanization of Digital & Technological Transformations and Singularity

The world is moving from a physical to a digital world.  We are already in the middle of a digital revolution with transformations that touch our way of living and working. Our social life is widely digitalized and technology is taking a main role in everything we do at our homes, schools, universities, workplaces and cities. How humanized are the digital and technological integrations in the way we study, work, and interact with our love ones and those around us will have a great impact in how healthy we are and how strong are our social connections. At CLICK Institute we conduct literature reviews, empirical research, and practical studies that produce a concrete positive contribution to the challenge of humanizing the digital and technological transformations and singularity.       

3. Education for Social Mobility and Upskilling

Education is a key success factor for the improvement of the quality of life of many people. Thanks to their degrees, certifications, and new skills, they are able to embrace new jobs that open career opportunities with the possibility to increase their income and be able to cover their basic needs and achieve a high level of self-realization. The mobility from one social and economical level to a higher one lies, in many cases, on the quality of education that a person has received. Social mobility is higher thanks to the knowledge, skills, and behavior of individuals and the access they have to organizations where they can work and earn a fair and good compensation for their services. New realities in the market and in society demands new competencies. Many of the current jobs will no longer exist in some years, a new set of abilities need to be developed to remain employable and useful in the society of the future. At CLICK Institute we conduct literature reviews, empirical research, and practical studies that help organizations and individuals to take action to increase their social mobility, improve their skills or learn a total set of new skills to be productive and happy.  


Independent evidence-based research to provide understanding.

We are dedicated to fostering global progress by enhancing education, cultural diversity, and international relations. Committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, we advocate for a worldwide approach to sustainable development. As a leading think tank, we focus on culture, leadership, innovation, and knowledge, striving to tackle major global challenges. Our goal is to create a happier, healthier, and more prosperous multicultural society, contributing to positive change on a global scale.


Fresh and usable content for you and your people.

We actively promote intellectual dialogues and collaborative projects that bring together academic, business, civic, government, and other influential leaders. Our aim is to facilitate discussions and joint initiatives that address cultural and cognitive barriers hindering innovation in our society. By fostering a diverse and inclusive environment, we encourage these thought leaders to think critically and work collectively towards innovative solutions, ultimately paving the way for positive societal transformation.


Opportunities for postdoctoral researchers from all over the world.

We are dedicated to envisioning and implementing impactful research, learning, and development initiatives. Our focus lies in raising awareness, advocating for change, and inspiring action regarding the profound influence of cultural and cognitive diversity on the leadership effectiveness and innovation within teams, organizations, and communities. Through our innovative programs and research efforts, we strive to foster an environment where diversity is celebrated and leveraged, empowering teams and communities to reach new heights of effectiveness and innovation.


Independent evidence-based research to provide understanding.

We achieve this purpose contributing to better quality of education, cultural and cognitive diversity, worldwide relations, working environments, innovation, leadership effectiveness, digital transformation, economic growth and justice, identity diversity and inclusion, gender equality, women empowerment, and human advancement.

CLICK Institute is committed to contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We explicitly advocate the global approach of the sustainable development goals. As a think tank and institute for culture, leadership, innovation, connection, and knowledge, CLICK Institute is determined to make a significant contribution to overcoming some of the world’s biggest challenges and work on solutions to address them. We want to create a better global and multicultural society where people are happy, healthy, and wealthy.



Fresh and usable content for you and your people.

We stimulate intellectual dialogues and projects where academic, business, civic, government, and other influential leaders think and take action together to overcome cultural and cognitive barriers for innovation in our society.



Opportunities for postdoctoral researchers from all over the world.

We envision and execute research, learning, and development initiatives that increase awareness, advocacy, and actions about the impact of cultural and cognitive diversity in the leadership effectiveness and innovation of teams, organizations, and communities.


United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

As leaders of a Think Tank in Culture, Leadership, Innovation, Connection, and Knowledge, we embrace the UN SDGs.

According to the United Nations, the Sustainable Development Goals are a call for action by all countries to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. They recognize that ending poverty must go hand-in-hand with strategies that build economic growth and address a range of social needs including education, health, social protection, and job opportunities, while tackling climate change and environmental protection (United Nations – https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/).

CLICK Institute has a firm commitment to tangibly contribute and support the achievements of the UN SDGs. Some of our 13 topics are linked with specific goals. If you want to learn more about the SDGs, please click here: https://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/sustainable-development-goals.html